Everything You Need to Know to Plan the Ultimate Babymoon

Whether you are expecting your first or your fifth baby, babymoons are a great way to reignite your romantic spark with your partner and build upon your connection. But what is a babymoon and why is everyone talking about them?

What is a babymoon?

A babymoon allows for you and your partner to meaningfully connect before your baby is born. Much like a honeymoon or any other couples getaway, it’s an intimate opportunity to relax and rest. After you bring your baby home, romance can take a backseat and couples trips will require serious coordination (including childcare arrangements). Babymoons have been become popular over the years as more and more couples recognize that the opportunity to get away, if only for a day, can make all of the difference in preparation for the new baby.

Whether you plan a weekend staycation or travel to a beautiful, tropical location for a week, the most important part of a babymoon is that you and your partner enjoy each other’s company. Local babymoons can be a fun way to reconnect while ensuring the you are still within driving distance of your hospital, birthing center, or home. You can act like tourists for a weekend and visit museums, see a play, check out a movie, or indulge in a delicious meal. If you opt for something a bit more luxe and want to travel, check out packages offered by airlines and hotels to minimize the time you spend in planning mode. Having all of the details taken care of prior to departure means you will have more time to spend together once you arrive to your destination.

When should you take a babymoon?

Most couples opt to take their babymoon during their second or third trimesters. Ideally, you will want to take the trip when you have more energy and a desire to be active. During the third trimester, you might feel tired, uncomfortable, and interested in nesting. You will also want to think about travel restrictions as you approach your due date. Talk to your care provider about any restrictions before making arrangements. For example, if you have a high-risk pregnancy, your care provider may advise you to remain in your city in the event that an emergency requires travel to a hospital.

Do I need to travel far to have an amazing babymoon?

Nope! Some couples opt to simply stay local and focus on nearby destinations. If you are on a budget or want to remain close to where you plan to give birth, take a romantic walk around a local park, schedule a couple’s massage, cook dinner together as a couple (complete with an indulgent dessert), or just cuddle together while watching the sun set. There are no limits to what you can do on your staycation babymoon. If you cannot find too many attractions to explore in your city, consider traveling to the next city for some fun. Most importantly, remember that you can have an enjoyable time at all budgets.

If you want to travel out-of-state while pregnant, consider the following before making arrangements:

  • Before making any travel plans that would take you out of your state, contact your health insurance company to learn about covered care providers located in your anticipated destination. You will want to ensure that insurance will cover care if you have an emergency. Note the names and addresses of these care providers and keep this list somewhere safe.

  • Let your birth team, like your care provider and doula, know that you are planning to travel. They can share tips that will ensure you and your baby remain safe.

  • Build travel insurance into your budget. While no one ever anticipates having to use travel insurance, having coverage just in case is a must. Some plans are quite inexpensive and still have great coverage.

  • Visit the country’s travel advisory page to verify that there are not any restrictions in your anticipated destination. While pregnant, you will want to be especially cognizant of countries with mosquito-borne illnesses, like Zika virus or Malaria, that may affect you and/or your unborn baby.

  • While it can be tempting to pack in as many activities as possible, especially if you do not anticipate having another opportunity to connect, be kind to yourself and your body. Eat nourishing meals, drink water, and rest often.

Bottom Line

Babymoons can be beneficial to your relationship. Taking some time out of your schedules to focus on strengthening your connection before your family adds a +1 means you will be well-rested and prepared for the next stage.

Happy Babymooning!

Joann Thelusma